I have to admit I really enjoyed this movie. Its one of those movie that has a lot of heart in it. It makes you laugh, it makes you cry and then it makes you all confused as to why you're crying over a doll.
Movie Summary:
This movie tells the story of Lars (amazing performance by Ryan Gosling, the guy in The Notebook). Lars is a socially inept guy from the pain of losing his parents when he was a child. For the most part, he is a sweet and gentle guy. But he prefers to be alone and seems unable to react accordingly especially around Margo (Kelli Garner) who he seems to have a crush on. Everyone around him loves him so despite his solitary life choice. The story then goes to show that Lars' choice to be alone is not a choice at all. It seems that he has an illness. His condition deteriorates to the point of buying an anatomically correct doll and having a delusion that she is a real person. He named her Bianca and claimed they are a couple. Bianca is a wheelchair bound missionary from Brazil and they met online. However, instead of ridiculing him, everyone around Lars - his brother, sister in law, friends and everybody in town - went out of their way to treat Bianca as though she was a real girl. They gave her a warm welcome and accepted hey into their community. This turn of event eventually meant Lars was, bit by bit, more socially involved with everyone. However, good things always comes to an end. Towards the end of the movie, it was revealed that Bianca is dying. As Lars and Bianca spent their final time together at the lake, he gave her their first and final kiss. She died shortly after. At her funeral, where everyone from the town attended, he finally manage to hook up with Margo who has had a crush on him from the beginning.
What I think of the movie:
This is without a doubt one of the best movie that I've had the privilege of watching. This movie has so much heart in it. I love how the people around Lars decided to treat Bianca as their own. It's so beautiful what they did for him. The scene where Lars brought Bianca to a party - I assumed it was the first time ever Lars went to a social event - is well put together. I love how everyone talked to Lars and Bianca as though they were a couple. And then the host even danced with Bianca. And then came the part where Bianca was laying in bed sick. They came over and kept Lars company. "That's what people do when tragedy strikes. They come over and sit." Utter brilliance. They practically bend over backwards in taking care of Bianca just because they care so much for this guy and want to see him get better. Shows the power of acceptance and compassion in healing a troubled soul.
The town's acceptance of Bianca brought her to life on screen. However credit should be given where credit is due. And the guy who deserves a truck load of credit (and more!) is definitely Ryan Gosling. His portrayal of Lars is nothing short of spectacular. I would imagine it would be hard to play a character that has to act with an inanimate object. Tom Hanks did it in Cast Away with the volleyball Wilson. Well Gosling still has a long way to go before he can even begin to be compared with Tom Hanks but his acting definitely deserves the highest of praise. The way he carried the character Lars as he grows throughout the movie is amazing. In the beginning Lars was mostly quiet and avoids eye contact most of the times. When Bianca appeared in his life, you can see the twinkle in his eyes. You can see how happy he was. And when she died at the end of the movie? Oh my god! You can feel the pain in his heart. You can't help but feel his god damn pain.

The rest of the cast are also outstanding. Even though its obvious that this kind of movie focuses on the main actor, the ones in the background helps this movie come out on top. Emily Mortimer as Karin, the loving sister in law is for lack of a better word, perfect. Karin is shown to genuinely care about Lars, always concerned about his well being. Kelli Garner brings the warm and sweet Margo to life as the rival to Bianca. Patricia Clackson is Dagmar, the family doctor and psychiatrist who treats Lars condition in the movie. Her performance as the compassionate doctor would put any counselor to shame.
This movie is more than your average chicken soup for the soul. Its fresh and charming at the same time. Its daring yet delicate. Sincere and pure. No doubt this is one of my favorite movie of all time.
This movie is more than your average chicken soup for the soul. Its fresh and charming at the same time. Its daring yet delicate. Sincere and pure. No doubt this is one of my favorite movie of all time.